Carolyn Blume

Carolyn Blume is a researcher and lecturer at Leuphana University Lüneburg. Her current research focuses on pre-service teacher education in the areas of both inclusive education and digitally-enacted foreign language learning and teaching. In the Institute of English Studies, she teaches courses in second language acquisition, game-based language learning, and the education of learners in heterogeneous and inclusive settings. A native New Yorker, Dr. Blume worked as an English and history school teacher and administrator in the U.S. before becoming a teacher in Germany in 2008. In addition to co-editing the recent conference proceedings, Tagungsdokumentation 2018 – Perspektiven inklusiven Englischunterrichts: Gemeinsam lehren und lernen, Dr. Blume conducts workshops for teachers interested in meeting students’ learning needs with the support of digital technologies. She can (frequently) be found on twitter@CaroBlume.

Blog posts by Carolyn Blume:

The Allied Museum
There are any num­ber of fea­ture films and doc­u­men­taries about the Cold War, some of which have been shown in numer­ous movie the­aters over the decades. … Continue reading The Allied Museum